project 365 . week 27

183.365 {03.30.2014} bird watching

184.365 {03.31.2014} the best part of the zoo

185.365 {04.01.2014} favorite book

186.365 {04.02.2014} tired boy

187.365 {04.03.2014} first bowl

188.365 {04.04.2014} holding on

189.365 {04.05.2014} bloom

Please continue through the blog circle by visiting my friendĀ Tricia.

3 Responses to “project 365 . week 27”

  1. Jodie says:

    what a gorgeous week! I love that last shot! just beautiful!

  2. Cynthia says:

    Love every image!! I think the sleeping one has to be a fav though!

  3. Melissa says:

    Beautiful image as always! I love following your work!

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september 13
project 365 . week 27
letters to my son . june 2014
Letters to My Son . April 2013