project 365 . week 22

148.365 {02.23.2014} swimming day

149.365 {02.24.2014} another warm day

150.365 {02.25.2014} lego bowling

151.365 {02.26.2014} a day of painting

152.365 {02.27.2014} park day

153.365 {02.28.2014} bringing the trash cans in

154.365 {03.01.2014} too rainy to play outside

To continue through the circle please visit my friend Jaimi.

5 Responses to “project 365 . week 22”

  1. Cynthia says:

    Vironica!! I love each and every photo this week. I am blown away!! Gorgeous!

  2. Jenny says:

    Amazing week! Your son is so adorable! I love that last image!

  3. Melissa says:

    I am just blown away with your images this week!!! That first image is AMAZING!!!!

  4. Jodie says:

    love love love!! I dont think I can pick a favourite this week! gorgeous!

  5. Tricia says:

    The color, the lines, the framing… that little man is going to have a great sense of visual design growing up. :) Beautiful!

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