project 365 . week 13

84.365 {12.22.2013} 25 days of christmas . day 22 . making christmas cookies

85.365 {12.23.2013} 25 days of christmas . day 23 . last minute shopping

86.365 {12.24.2013} 25 days of christmas . day 24 . in the midst of present wrapping

87|1.365 {12.25.2013} 25 days of christmas . day 25 . christmas day!

87|2.365 {12.25.2013} 25 days of christmas . day 25 . more presents!

88.365 {12.26.2013} model train museum

89.365 {12.27.2013} california winter

90.365 {12.28.2013} christmas legos

Please continue the circle by visiting my talented friend Megan to see her Christmas week.

2 Responses to “project 365 . week 13”

  1. Cynthia says:

    Vironica, I know I say this all the time but I love how your frames are always so simple. It brings me right to your subject. I so enjoy seeing your week in photos. :)

  2. Megan D. says:

    I love these! The cookie making is so sweet and they are all fantastic! It looks like you guys had a great week. :)

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