letters to my son . september 2014

Dear E,

You are almost three and you are becoming more independent every day. This month you started preschool. I was worried that you would be upset when I leave you at school but you handled first day of school like a champ. You went to play with the teacher immediately and did not even look at me when I said goodbye. You were happy to see me when I picked you up and couldn’t wait to give me a hug. Your teacher said that you did very well and was very enthusiastic at trying everything.

I had to go out of town for four nights the next day and leave you overnight for the first time. You did not want me to go and said that you wanted to come with me but you adjusted pretty well to me being gone. I missed you so much while I was gone but I heard you had a lot of fun playing with your daddy, grandma and cousins. You picked me up at the airport and gave me a big smile as soon as you saw me and you gave me lots and lots of hugs and kisses all day long.



Please continue the circle by visiting my dear friend Felicia‘s page to read her letter.

2 Responses to “letters to my son . september 2014”

  1. Isn’t it amazing how quickly they grow?

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