project 365 . week 4

22.365 {10.20.2013} a hawk

23.365 {10.21.2013} fun

24.365 {10.22.2013} old and wise

25.365 {10.23.2013} chalk board

26.365 {10.24.2013} basketball game

27.365 {10.25.2013} gotcha

28.365 {10.26.2013} one foggy morning

Next up check out the talented Catherine and see her week.

4 Responses to “project 365 . week 4”

  1. Cynthia says:

    What a beautiful week!! I kept thinking I liked the each one better than the one before it. Amazing work!

  2. Felicia says:

    Your images are always candy for my eyes V! Love them all! But that shot of your pup under water…amazing!

  3. Catherine M. says:

    Yes I too love the underwater dog shot – amazing but I also love the emptiness of the basketball game shot. He seems so little in that one.

  4. Tina says:

    Love the chalk board photo and the one of your little guy walking in the fog. From the looks of it you had something funny to tell him – such a happy looking boy! Great week Veronica!

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project 365 . week 4
a day in the life {volume 1}