letters to my son . july 2014

Dear E,

This past couple of weeks was hard for our family. First we lost the baby. I wanted to give you a sibling so badly that when we lost him/her I was devastated. Our family decided to rent a house by the beach for a month to help us heal. Unfortunately our string of bad luck continues when your dada and I had an accident on the beach and had to go to the hospital.

We were looking forward to watch the Fourth of July fireworks by the beach with you and hear all your commentary. We were very disappointed that we had to stay at the hospital and missed the fireworks. Your grandma said that you had fun watching the show and recorded some of your commentary for us to hear.

We’ve been here for a week now and you’ve been having a lot of fun running and playing in the sand. We still can’t get you to get near the water. You want to stay as far away from the water as possible when playing sand and we have to bring the water to you so you can make your froggies and lobsters. It is perfectly okay with me as long as you’re having fun. Looking through these pictures and seeing your happy smile makes me feel very thankful that I have you.



One Response to “letters to my son . july 2014”

  1. Sylvia Peterson says:

    He is really having fun. Thank you for sharing your vacation house.

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letters to my son . july 2014
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