letters to my son . august 2014

My dearest E,

Our beach vacation is over now. You enjoyed our stay there that you keep on talking about wanting to go back there. You did so many fun things while we stayed there: you rode the trolley, saw rehabilitated sea lions being released, saw a lot of dolphins, drew a lot of pictures, played with your blocks, played with the hose, played in the sand, built your first sand castle, went to the tide pools and saw hermit crabs and anemones. You even got brave enough to get in the water by the end of our stay.

You were so good the whole time we were there. I remember on our last vacation we had to stroll you to sleep every day. At first I was worried that you will have a hard time here, sleeping in a new place on a strange bed but you seem to have no problem adjusting this time. I’m glad that you got over that phase because that means we can go to more vacations!

This past month you had a language explosion. You keep on talking and talking and pointing all kinds of stuff to us. It is so adorable. Your building skills also improved so much. You can now build a big tall tower with your blocks. You are starting to try to color inside the lines. You can also draw a lot of things from watching other people. You can draw balloons, snails, basketballs, boats and the sun. I treasure every moment I have with you ever since you were born but this age and this phase might be my favorite so far.

Love you always,


Please continue on to my friend Jennifer to read her letter to her son.

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